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  • UNA DE LAS ÚLTIMAS PROPIEDADES GRANDES: Playas del Coco - Great Opportunity

    Playas del Coco, Sardinal, Carrillo, Guanacaste, Costa Rica

    Basic Listing Information

    Listing ID:
    Property Type:
    Development Parcel
    Listing Type:
    Land Listing
    Location Type:
    Ocean-Vicinity, Urban
    View Type:
    Greenbelt View, Garden View
    Total Lot Size:
    0.84 ha (2.08 acre)

    Listing Images

    • Sun Real Estate 9 - 8,383 m².JPG
    • Sun Real Estate 11 - 8,383 m².JPG
    • Sun Real Estate 10 - 8,383 m².JPG
    • Sun Real Estate 3 - 8,383 m².JPG
    • Sun Real Estate 4 - 8,383 m².JPG
    • Sun Real Estate 6 - 8,383 m².JPG
    • Sun Real Estate 7 - 8,383 m².JPG
    • Sun Real Estate 8 - 8,383 m².JPG
    • Sun Real Estate 12 - 8,383 m².JPG
    • Sun Real Estate 13 - 8,383 m².JPG
    • Sun Real Estate 16 - 8,383 m².JPG
    • Sun Real Estate 17 - 8,383 m².JPG
    • Sun Real Estate 18 - 8,383 m².JPG
    • Sun Real Estate 19 - 8,383 m².JPG
    • Sun Real Estate 20 - 8,383 m².JPG
    • Sun Real Estate 21 - 8,383 m².JPG
    • Sun Real Estate 22 - 8,383 m².JPG
    • Sun Real Estate 26 - 8,383 m².JPG
    • Sun Real Estate 27 - 8,383 m².JPG
    • Sun Real Estate 28 - 8,383 m².JPG

    Area 8.383 m², o 90.233 ft², o 2,07 acres. The property is located 800 meters from the intersection Playa Ocotal / Playas del Coco, and 150 mts to the right from the main street. It counts with all facilities for public services. the topography is flat and for comercial purpose.

    See what the agent says about this listing (original title and description):

    Playas del Coco - Great Opportunity

    Area 8.383 m², o 90.233 ft², o 2,07 acres. The property is located 800 meters from the intersection Playa Ocotal / Playas del Coco, and 150 mts to the right from the main street. It counts with all facilities for public services. the topography is flat and for comercial purpose.
    Total Lot Size: 0.84 ha (2.08 acre)
    Location: Playas del Coco, Sardinal, Carrillo, Guanacaste, Costa Rica
    Country: Costa Rica
    State: Guanacaste
    County: Carrillo
    District: Sardinal
    City/Town: Playas del Coco
    Location Type: Ocean-Vicinity, Urban
    Geographic Type: Dry Forest
    View Type: Greenbelt View, Garden View
    Elevation: 2.00 m (6.56 ft)
    Precipitation: Seasonal
    Average Temperature: 28 °C (82 °F)
    Community Features: Fishing Access, Club House, Gym, Pool, Spa
    Street Access Type: Paved Road
    Type of Water: City Water
    Sewer Available: No
    Type of Internet: Cable Internet, Dial-Up Internet
    Type of Television: Cable Television, Satellite Television
    Type of Electricity: Public
    Telephone Available: Yes
    Price per Square Meter: $50.00/m2 ($4.65/sqft)
    List Price: $420,000
    Association Fees: No
    Ownership Type: Personal

    Print Listing

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